Online Geography Training

Ensuring Successful Subject Leadership

Tutor: David Weatherly

Cost: £125 plus VAT per delegate - Dates: (see below) - 9.00 am – 3.30 pm

October 10th, 2024

Rationale of the day

In recent years the crucial role and expertise of the subject leader in ensuring first class curriculum provision, effective learning and teaching and high quality pupil outcomes has taken on an increased prominence. This day will provide a valuable and timely opportunity for subject leaders of Geography and History in primary schools to understand all of the core elements of leading continuous improvement in their disciplines. In so doing it will also support colleagues and their schools in preparing for Ofsted subject ‘deep dives’. The day will be reflective and practical providing time and space for colleagues to review their current subject provision in the context of the training, identify priority areas for improvement and build their capacity as middle managers to identify and lead sustainable change.

Key Objectives – all colleagues will leave the day understanding:

  • The core elements of designing and implementing a high quality curriculum in Geography and History with appropriate scope and ambition EYFS-Year 6.
  • How to ensure an EYFS-Year 6 curriculum is progressive and sequenced with clear continuity in terms of content, substantive concepts, knowledge, skills, vocabulary and language acquisition and links to prior learning.
  • Establishing high quality inclusive learning and teaching through a pedagogy of enquiry based investigative and experiential learning which fosters disciplinary thinking.
  • Approaches to effectively assessing the attainment and progress of pupils in a manageable way against clearly defined end points of learning.
  • Building effective subject monitoring and evaluation processes.

How to Book

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Online Geography Training

Enhancing Cultural Diversity in Geography and History EYFS-Year 6

Tutor: David Weatherly

Cost: £125 plus VAT per delegate - Date: (see below) - 9.00 am – 3.30 pm

June 16th, 2025

Rationale of the day

Two-thirds of today’s UK babies will live to see the next century and one in three will celebrate their 100th birthday. At the same time the cultural mix of the communities in which they will grow up both locally and internationally are becoming increasingly ethnically diverse. In this context the day is a timely and valuable opportunity for colleagues to reflect upon how their current provision and everyday practice in Geography and History supports children to investigate beyond the familiar and build an understanding of cultural diversity, both in terms of its historic legacy and contemporary richness within their own local communities, across the United Kingdom and the increasingly globalised wider world.

Key elements of the day will include

  • Increasing personal knowledge and understanding of the meaning and scope of the terms culture and cultural diversity.
  • Understanding the breadth of cultural diversity within Britain today.
  • Considering our personal cultural heritage and ways of living as practitioners and the influence this can have on attitudes and assumptions towards difference and diversity.
  • Recognising opportunities offered by the National Curriculum in Geography and History and the EYFS Understanding the World area of learning, to enhance cultural diversity.
  • Reviewing current provision in Geography and History in the context of the above.
  • Identifying approaches to enriching cultural diversity including the judicious selection of content, community engagement and considered selection of learning and teaching resources.
  • Reviewing examples of enquiries in Geography and History that seek to recognise the contributions and legacies of diverse cultures both over time and currently.
  • How we might approach developing a secure and positive sense of a child’s own identity and strong sense of self, in the context of their own cultural, religious or ethnic family background.

How to Book

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Online EYFS Geography Training

Introducing Geography in the Early Years

Tutor: David Weatherly

Cost: £125 plus VAT per delegate - Dates: (see below) - 9.00 am – 3.30 pm

October 3rd, 2024

Rationale of the day

The EYFS Understanding the World educational programme, together with the People, Culture and Communities and Past and Present Early Learning Goals have accentuated the need to establish strong and identifiable Geography and History provision at the foundation stage. The day will provide timely and valuable support for both EYFS and school subject leads seeking to clarify their understanding and manage the learning and development and assessment requirements for Geography and History in the EYFS.

Key Objectives – all colleagues will leave the day:

  • Understanding the major concepts and skills that underpin Geography and History teaching and learning and how these help children make sense of the world at the foundation stage.
  • Able to plan progression in geographical and historical knowledge, understanding and subject vocabulary.
  • Knowing how to ensure curriculum continuity, sequencing, and development of learning with Key Stage 1 and across mixed aged classes.
  • Recognising how the Characteristics of Effective Learning and links to other areas of learning can be key drivers in developing geographical and historical enquiry at the foundation stage.
  • Having reviewed examples of learning enquiries using storytelling, talk, visits, role play and primary sources to develop a child’s spatial and temporal awareness.
  • With an extensive range of CPD materials to support the development of effective practice amongst colleagues in their own schools and settings.

How to Book

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Online Geography Training

Writing and Resourcing High Quality Enquiries EYFS-Year 6

Tutor: David Weatherly

Cost: £125 plus VAT per delegate 9.00 am – 3.30 pm

March 3rd, 2025

Rationale of the day

A core element of high quality provision In Geography and History is learning and teaching which enables pupils to build substantive knowledge through the disciplinary traditions, conventions and practice of the subjects. Creating well designed, resourced and rigorous investigations supports pupils to know, recall and understand more as they master and apply disciplinary knowledge through working as young geographers and historians. In this context the day will focus on how pupils EYFS-Year 6 can be supported to develop the breadth and depth of their substantive knowledge, in often sophisticated and nuanced ways, through structured and guided enquiries which allow them to reach evidence based conclusions.

Key Objectives – all colleagues will leave the day:

  • Confident of what disciplinary knowledge is in Geography and History.
  • Understanding the constructivist paradigm of learning that underpins the disciplinary traditions of Geography and History.
  • Knowing how to design, write and resource engaging and challenging structured and guided learning enquiries EYFS-Year 6, that avoid cognitive overload.
  • Familiar with a number of learning enquiries EYFS-Year 6 that exemplify these key aspects of design.
  • Aware of the situation regarding copyright when sourcing learning materials.
  • Having evaluated their current provision of learning through enquiry.
  • Having identified one area of current subject content where learning might be enhanced through developing a more explicit pedagogy of enquiry.

How to Book

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Online EYFS Geography Training

Ensuring Continuity of Learning EYFS into Year 1

Tutor: David Weatherly

Cost: £125 plus VAT per delegate - Dates: (see below) - 9.00 am – 3.30 pm

January 22nd, 2025

Rationale of the day

The 2022 EYFS profile data highlights that over a third of children at the end of Reception did not reach a Good Level of Development. In addition, only 66% achieved the expected level across all 17 Early Learning Goals. This poses real challenges around children moving to more formal learning in Year 1, at a time when post pandemic education recovery is placing unprecedented demands on schools. Recognising children’s varying starting points, the day will focus on how the progression of learning from Reception to Year 1 can evolve smoothly, building on the principles of the EYFS. Sessions will be practical and interactive and whilst being centred on Geography and History provision, will consider approaches that will be relevant across the foundation subjects.

Key Objectives:

For colleagues to:

  • Meet the needs of children through a focus on exemplar learning investigations written specifically to support transition from Reception to Year 1.
  • Identify commonalities between the purposes and aims of the National Curriculum in Geography and History and the learning and development and assessment requirements of the EYFS statutory framework.
  • Recognise the importance of maintaining observational assessment EYFS-Year 1.
  • Consider how Year 1 learning environments – including those outdoors and in the local community - could better reflect an EYFS approach.
  • Reflect upon the significance of Year 1 learning in Geography and History which enables the continued development of reading, language and specialist vocabulary.

How to Book

E mail for a booking form to